Inside Your Toolbox

    1. Consider this your toolbox!

    1. Nutrition Coaching with Nicole Roadmap

    2. How to Complete Your Progress Update and Check-In Forms

    3. How to Use Slack to Get Support and Share Your Successes

    4. Why It's NEVER OK to use Weight As Your Only Metric

    5. SQUAD Rules

    1. Macronutrient: PROTEIN

    2. Macronutrient: CARBOHYDRATE

    3. Macronutrient: FAT

    4. How to Build A Balanced Plate

    5. Converting Calories To Portions

    1. Find The Right QUANTITY + QUALITY of Food For YOU

    2. How To Measure Your Metrics + Make Adjustments

    3. Ensure Sustainability

    4. What To Do When You Feel Stuck

    5. Prioritize PROTEIN

    6. How To Lose Fat Without Counting Calories Masterclass

    1. Physiological Hunger vs. Psychological Hunger

    2. A Self-Sabotaging Mindset Muscle

    3. Navigating Stress + Burnout

    4. Navigating Nutrition In Less-Than-Ideal Circumstances

    5. All-Or-Nothing-Thinking (also known as the "fuck it spiral")

    6. An Unsupportive Environment

    7. The Comparison Trap

    1. 4/23: Planting vs Growing + A Team Introduction

    2. 7/29: What Does Health Mean To You?

    3. 8/26: All About Sports Nutrition: What to eat pre/during/post workout

    4. 9/30: How To Identify + End Emotional Eating

    5. 10/30: How To Balance My Meals + Enjoy Fun Foods and Beverages

    6. 11/19: Holiday Nutrition Tips, Adopting An Abundance Mindset + All About "Organic" Marketing

    7. 1/20: How To Successfully Create Fat Loss That Lasts

    8. 2/26: The Science of Self-Control with Kasey Orvidas

    9. 3/30: Body Acceptance, Habit Stacking, and Holiday Food Navigation Tips

    10. 6/21: Taking Full Responsibility of Your Life with Hannah Deindorfer

    11. 7/21: How To Master Your Weekend Nutrition

    12. 8/25: The Importance of Planning Ahead

    13. 9/24: Staying Consistent When The Basics Feel Boring

    14. 10/26: Tips + Tricks For Busy Moms

    15. 11/23: Healthy Holiday Truths

    16. 12/21: Your Emotional vs. Rational Brain

    17. 1/24: Your R.A.S. and Weight Loss

    18. 2/22: Diabetes + Nutrition 101

    19. 3/22: Weight Loss + Core Values

    20. 5/24: Pre- and Post- Workout Nutrition

    21. 9/27: 6 Barriers To Fat Loss

    22. 11/16: How To Confidently Navigate Nutrition Around The Holidays

    23. 1/25: 5 Requirements For Fat Loss That Lasts

    24. 3/20: Diet Myths DEBUNKED

    25. 4/25: 2 Things That Have The Power To Make Or Break Your Progress

    26. 5/23: How To Put Yourself 1st w/o Guilt

    27. 6/27: Sustainable Fat Loss Strategies for Summer

    28. 9/19: All Things Hormones with Callie Exas

    29. 9/29: Hot Seat Coaching Q&A

About this course

  • Free
  • 73 lessons
  • 30 hours of video content

Nicole's School FAQ

  • When can I access my Nicole's School resources?

    Anytime! For the duration of your 1:1 Nutrition Coaching journey, this toolbox is yours to use unlimitedly!

  • Can I share the resources included in Nicole's School?

    The resources included in Nicole's School are reserved exclusively for 1:1 Nutrition Coaching clients to help supplement their progress in reaching their BIG, powerful goals!

  • How often should I sign in to Nicole's School?

    Nicoles' School resources are here for you 24/7. Coach Nicole might encourage you to revisit a specific lesson, as it applies to your current action step(s), but additionally, new lessons will continually be added. So whether you're struggling or doing well, it's a great idea to check into Nicole's School on occasion to supplement your coaching calls/check-ins!

  • Will I be notified about new/added lessons?

    Yes! New/added lessons will be announced in Slack and NWN: Monday Motivation emails!